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Helichrysum essential oil

Helichrysum essential oil

Regular price €69,00 EUR
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100% organic essential oil. Helichrysum berries are known for their healing and regenerative properties. This "golden oil" helps the regeneration of damaged soft tissues , soothes pain, inflammation, bruises, relieves itching and prevents infections. Excellent for daily skin care .



Helichrysum is often mentioned asmedicinal herbin many Greek, Roman and medieval European texts. There are hundreds of varieties of Helichrysum, but only a few are made into essential oil. The best quality plants for the production of helichrysum essential oil are grown in France, Italy, Bulgaria and Croatia. Helichrysum italicum has musky, slightly honey-sweet and pleasantly herbal aroma similar to clary sage, which makes it ideal for combination with, for example, mint, cypress, frankincense, grapefruit or ylang ylang. Because of its appearance, it is called "Immortelle".

Helichrysum italicum is known for its healing and regenerative properties. This "golden oil" helps the regeneration of damaged soft tissues, soothes pain, inflammation, bruises, relieves itching and prevents infections.

The helichrysum is ideal for daily skin care. Its effects also extend to improving appearance scars and wrinkles, thereby contributing to the youthful appearance of the skin. Thanks to its antioxidant properties, it protects the skin from damage by free radicals and supports its overall vitality.

| Helichrysum essential oil comes from a local producer in Bulgaria with a bio-certificate. |

Composition:100% Helichrysum organic essential oil

Volume:10 ml

Plant | Latin name:Helichrysum italicum

Usage:Externally, aromatherapy

Method of extraction:Steam distillation



Suitable for:

Pain,bruises,wounds,bruises,cough,bronchitis,a cold,abdominal cramps,muscle spasms,rheumatism,arthritis,carpal tunnel syndrome,edema,varicose veins,hemorrhoids,acne,rashes,eczema,psoriasis,injuries,bruises

Inhalation (Aromatherapy):

To release:Diffuse 5 drops of helichrysum, 5 drops of lavender and 5 drops of tangerine.

To calm down:Apply a drop of helichrysum directly to the neck or temples to reduce stress and anxiety.

External use:

Body cream: Mix 3 drops of helichrysum, 3 drops of lavender in a 120ml bottle with a pump and fill the rest with unscented body cream. Apply to the skin to improve hydration and heal inflammation.

Hair shampoo: Add 1 drop of helichrysum and 2 drops of rosemary to your hair shampoo. Massage the shampoo properly into the scalp during use and then wash thoroughly. This mix helps improve the health of the scalp and promotes hair growth.

Massage oil: Mix 5 drops of helichrysum with 2 tablespoons of a carrier oil (such as coconut or jojoba oil). Use to massage sore muscles and joints to relieve pain and inflammation.

Lip Balm:Add 2 drops of helichrysum to 1 teaspoon of coconut oil. Apply to lips to hydrate and heal chapped lips.

Skin serum:Mix 3 drops of helichrysum, 2 drops of lavender, and 1 tablespoon of a carrier oil (such as argan oil). Apply to the face in the morning and evening to improve the appearance of the skin and reduce wrinkles.

Safety notice

This is a highly concentrated product, consult an aromatherapist before use. Protect from direct sunlight. Keep out of reach of children. Do not expose the product to frost or extremely high temperatures. Do not use during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Effects and scientific studies

Antimicrobial and antifungal effects: A study has shown that helichrysum essential oil has strong antimicrobial and antifungal properties that are effective against a variety of pathogens, including bacteria and fungi, suggesting its potential in the prevention and treatment of infections. A study on antimicrobial effects.

Anti-inflammatory effects: Research has shown that helichrysum essential oil has significant anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce inflammation and pain associated with various inflammatory conditions. This oil is suitable for the treatment of skin inflammations and muscle pains. A study on anti-inflammatory effects.

Antioxidant effects:A study has shown that helichrysum essential oil contains powerful antioxidants that protect cells from damage caused by free radicals, thus promoting overall health and may help slow skin aging.A study on antioxidant effects.

Wound healing:Research suggests that helichrysum essential oil may promote wound healing and tissue regeneration. This oil is effective in the treatment of burns, cuts and bruises, thanks to its ability to promote faster healing and reduce the risk of infection.A study on wound healing.

Skin protection:The study showed that the main component of the essential oil of the helichrysum, neryl acetate, has significant protective effects on the skin. It helps maintain hydration and improves the skin's barrier function, thus contributing to its overall health.Skin protection study.

Cytotoxic effects on cancer cells:A study found that helichrysum essential oil has cytotoxic effects on various types of cancer cells, including skin, lung, and breast cancer. These effects are associated with the chemical composition of the oil and its ability to selectively act on cancer cells.A study on cytotoxic effects.

Dermatological applications:Research has shown that a chitosan nanoparticle-loaded helychrisum essential oil gel formulation can improve skin hydration and maintain healthy skin conditions, demonstrating its potential for a variety of dermatological applications.A study on dermatological applications.




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More information

Plant part:Flower

Fragrance: Herbal,Sweet,Warm

Weight:0.05 kg

Suitable to combine with: Bergamot,sage,cypress tree,incense,geranium,grapefruit,juniper tree,lavender,orange,rosemary,tea tree,ylang ylang,peppermint

About the plant: Helichrysum italicum is an inconspicuous low semi-shrub whose leaves often resemble unbloomed lavender. The leaves are dry, narrow, non-falling. The flowers are aromatic and bright yellow. In Slovakia you can find it under the name "Curry plant".

Chemical analysis

Frequently asked questions

What is helichrysum oil?

Helichrysum oil, also known as helichrysum essential oil, is extracted from the flowers of the Helichrysum italicum plant. This oil is valued for its healing and regenerative properties and has a wide range of therapeutic effects.

What are the main effects of helichrysum oil?

Helichrysum oil has strong antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It helps in wound healing, reduces inflammation, improves skin hydration, supports tissue regeneration and protects the skin from aging and wrinkles.

How to use helichrysum essential oil?

Helichrysum essential oil is used in aromatherapy to reduce stress and anxiety. It can be applied topically to the skin to treat inflammation and improve the appearance of the skin. Its scent can be diffused with a diffuser or inhaled directly from the bottle.

What are the effects of helichrysum oil on the skin?

Helichrysum oil is known for its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties that help improve skin health. It helps in the treatment of dermatitis, acne and eczema, softens dry and cracked skin and also promotes wound healing and scar reduction.

How does helichrysum oil help improve mood?

Helichrysum oil has calming effects that can help relieve stress and anxiety. Inhaling its pleasant aroma can contribute to overall mental well-being and relaxation.

Is helichrysum oil suitable as a natural repellent?

Yes, helichrysum oil has repellent properties that can help protect against insects, making it a suitable natural repellent to use on outdoor trips.

How is helichrysum oil used in cosmetics?

Helichrysum oil is used in cosmetics to improve the appearance of skin and hair. It can be added to skin creams, shampoos, conditioners and massage oils to help hydrate the skin, improve its texture and promote healthy hair growth.

What are the main ingredients of helichrysum oil?

Helichrysum oil contains a number of chemical compounds, including neryl acetate, α-pinene, γ-curcumene, and ithalidione, which contribute to its therapeutic effects and distinctive aroma.

What are the benefits of using helichrysum essential oil?

Helichrysum oil has powerful anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antioxidant properties that help improve skin health, relieve pain, and promote overall mental well-being. It is also effective in treating skin problems and as a natural repellent.

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For the production of our products, we use exclusively natural, 100% pure raw materials in organic quality.

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