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Thyme essential oil

Thyme essential oil

Regular price €17,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €17,00 EUR
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100% organic essential oil. It acts against flu and colds . Thyme oil loosens mucus and helps concentration. Strong spicy-earthy aroma. Excellent for chronic fatigue and acne.


Suitable for:Flu,cough,a cold,bronchitis,laryngitis,a cold,sore throat,engulfment,bacterial infections,viral infections,disorders of the circulatory system,cold extremities,muscle pain,muscle fatigue,tendinitis,arthritis,rheumatism,chronic fatigue,acne,warts,concentration

Inhalation (Aromatherapy):

To support respiratory healthdiffuse 3 drops of thyme essential oil, 3 drops of eucalyptus and 3 drops of peppermint.

External use:

For relief from muscle pain and inflammationmix 5 drops of thyme oil, 5 drops of lavender, 5 drops of rosemary and 5 drops of frankincense in a 60 ml bottle. Top up the rest with coconut oil and use directly on the affected areas.

Internal use:

To support the immune systemadd 1-2 drops of thyme essential oil to the smoothie. (For internal use always consult a certified aromatherapist first).

Safety notice

This is a highly concentrated product, consult an aromatherapist before use. Protect from direct sunlight. Keep out of reach of children. Do not expose the product to frost or extremely high temperatures. Do not use during pregnancy. For sensitive skin or allergies, perform a test on a small area of ​​skin before application.

Effects and scientific studies

Antimicrobial effects: A study published on the NCBI website showed that thyme essential oil has strong antimicrobial effects. Thyme oil contains components such as thymol and carvacrol, which are effective against various gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. This study showed that thyme essential oil has potential as a natural food preservative due to its ability to inhibit the growth of pathogenic microorganisms.A study on antimicrobial effects.

Anti-inflammatory effects: Research published on PubMed has shown that thyme essential oil has powerful anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce inflammation and pain. The components of thyme oil, such as thymol and carvacrol, have the ability to inhibit inflammatory reactions in the body, making it an effective agent in the treatment of various inflammatory conditions.A study on anti-inflammatory effects.

Antioxidant effects: A study published in the journal "Medicines" showed that thyme essential oil has strong antioxidant properties. Antioxidants in thyme oil help neutralize free radicals in the body, protecting cells from damage and slowing down the aging process. This study showed that thyme oil may be beneficial in the prevention and treatment of oxidative stress and related diseases.A study on antioxidant effects.

Effects on the treatment of respiratory diseases: Research published in the journal "Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine" has shown that thyme essential oil is effective in treating respiratory ailments such as bronchitis, coughs and colds. Thyme oil helps loosen mucus and reduce inflammation in the airways, which makes it an effective remedy for respiratory problems.A study on the effects on respiratory diseases.

Effects on skin diseases: A study published in the journal "Indian Drugs" showed that thyme essential oil has positive effects in the treatment of various skin diseases, including acne and eczema. The oil has strong antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce inflammation and infection on the skin, resulting in improved skin appearance and health.Study on effects on skin diseases.




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More information

Plant part:Flower

Fragrance: Spicy,sweet,earthy,herbal

Weight:0.05 kg

Suitable to combine with:basil,bergamot, black pepper,cedar wood, chamomile,sage,cypress tree, elemi,Eucalyptus, fragonia,geranium,ginger,grapefruit,lavender,lemon, manuka, marjoram,orange,oregano, palmarosa,peppermint, ravensara, ravintsara,spearmint,rosemary

About the plant:Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) is a low-growing, aromatic herb native to the Mediterranean region. It is known for its small, fragrant leaves and pink or purple flowers that appear in summer. Thyme is often used in cooking as a spice, but it also has a wide range of medicinal properties, including antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects.

Chemical analysis

Frequently asked questions

What is Thyme essential oil?

Thyme essential oil is an oil obtained by steam distillation from the leaves and flowers of the Thymus vulgaris plant. This oil is known for its strong, herbal and spicy aroma and a wide range of medicinal properties.

What are the main effects of Thyme essential oil?

Thyme essential oil has strong antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects. It helps in the treatment of respiratory problems such as flu, cough, cold, bronchitis, laryngitis, runny nose and sore throat. It also supports a healthy circulatory system and relieves muscle and joint pain.

How to use Thyme essential oil?

Thyme essential oil is used in aromatherapy where it is diffused to promote respiratory health and improve mood. It can be applied topically to the skin (after dilution with a carrier oil) for relief of muscle pain and inflammation. For internal use, it is necessary to consult with a certified aromatherapist.

What are the effects of Thyme oil on the skin?

Thyme oil has strong antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties that help treat acne and warts. It promotes wound healing and improves overall skin health.

How does Thyme essential oil help with respiratory problems?

Thyme essential oil is effective in relieving symptoms of respiratory problems due to its expectorant properties. It helps release congestion and reduce inflammation in the respiratory tract.

What is Thyme Silica?

Thyme silica is a concentrated essential oil obtained from the Thymus vulgaris plant. It contains strong aromatic compounds that provide a wide range of medicinal and therapeutic effects.

What are the main components of Thyme essential oil?

The main components of Thyme essential oil are thymol, carvacrol and p-cymene. These compounds have strong antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties.

Is Thyme essential oil suitable for internal use?

Yes, but internal use of Thyme essential oil should always be consulted with a certified aromatherapist to avoid possible side effects or overdose.

How to store Thyme essential oil?

Thyme essential oil should be stored in a cool and dark place, out of the reach of children. It is important to protect it from direct sunlight and extreme temperatures in order to preserve its therapeutic properties.

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Objavte osviežujúcu silu 100 % čistého bergamotového esenciálneho oleja, lisovaného za studena, ktorý je známy svojou povznášajúcou citrusovou vôňou a širokou škálou zdravotných výhod. Tento olej, extrahovaný zo šupky plodov bergamotu, ponúka upokojujúcu, no zároveň povzbudzujúcu vôňu, ideálnu na vyváženie nálady a starostlivosť o pleť.

Na večer sa bergamot olej (známy aj ako bergamot éterický olej/silica) skvele kombinuje s levanduľovým olejom v difuzéri, čo napomáha k hlbšiemu relaxu a kvalitnejšiemu spánku. S jeho čistou a sviežou arómou prichádza pocit úľavy a spokojnosti, pričom sa tiež uplatňuje pri zlepšení koncentrácie a čistení mysle. Okrem toho sa používa v boji proti akné a znižovaní hladiny cholesterolu.

Bergamotový olej sa často používa v starostlivosti o pokožku, kde jeho antiseptické a zosvetľujúce vlastnosti pomáhajú pri liečbe nečistej pleti a redukujú pigmentové škvrny. 

Hlavné výhody bergamotového esenciálneho oleja

  • Zmierňuje Stres a Úzkosť: V aromaterapii je bergamotový olej oblúbený pre svoju schopnosť redukovať napätie a zlepšovať náladu. Jeho upokojujúce vlastnosti môžu pomôcť zmierniť úzkostné stavy a podporiť relaxáciu pri použití v difuzéri alebo kúpeli.
  • Podporuje zdravú a ziarivú pokožku: Vďaka prirodzeným antiseptickým a protizápalovým vlastnostiam je bergamotový olej ideálny na starostlivosť o pleť. Pomáha vyrovnať mastnotu, čistiť póry a obnovovať prirodzený lesk pokožky. Stačí ho pridať do obľúbeného nosného oleja a aplikovať na tvár alebo telo.
  • Posilňuje imunitný systém: Vôňa bergamotového oleja môže pomôcť podporiť imunitu a uľahčiť dýchanie. Je ideálny pre použitie v difuzéri, najmä počas obdobia zvýšeného výskytu respiračných problémov.
  • Podporuje relaxáciu a lepší spánok: Pridajte pár kvapiek do difuzéra alebo kúpeľa a vytvorte tak upokojujúce prostredie, ktoré podporí kvalitný spánok a celkovú relaxáciu.

| Bergamot esenciálny olej pochádza od lokálneho producenta z Talianska s biocertifikátom a klasifikáciou Food Grade kvality. |

Zloženie: 100% bergamot organický esenciálny olej

Objem: 10 ml

Rastlina | Latinský názov: Citrus bergamia

Použitie: Externe, aromaterapia, interne

Spôsob extrakcie: Lisovanie za studena (Coldpress)

Pôvod: Taliansko

100% pure - 100% natural

For the production of our products, we use exclusively natural, 100% pure raw materials in organic quality.

  • 100% pure essential oils

    GC/MS and Food Grade tests guarantee the highest quality of PURA essential oils

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  • Ultrasonic diffusers

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  • Slovak essential oils

    We are a Slovak family company operating since 2018